Cameo SysML - Model Based System Engineering (MBSE)
ABAQUS - Finite Element Analysis (FEA)
SolidWorks - Design
Fluent - Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
MatLab - Computer Programming Language
Python - Computer Programming Language
Microsoft Office and Macros
Revit and AutoCAD - Building Information Modeling (BIM)
Python Programming - Automate the Boring Stuff by UDemy
Rolls-Royce Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt
Aircraft engine (AE3007) Line Maintenance and Familiarization Course
Eagle Scout Recognition
OMG-Certificed Professional MBSE (In Progess)

Cameo SysML - Model Based System Engineering (MBSE)
I become highly proficient in Model Based System Engineering (MBSE) while I was a System Design Integration (SDI) Engineer, a subset of System Engineering, at Rolls-Royce North America during Summer 2020. While on the SDI team, I developed and assigned system requirements for Army, Future Vertical Lift using Cameo SysML MBSE. Additionally, I was responsible for designing mechanical subsystem structure for first time in company MBSE history. As a side project, I used MBSE developed a transportation system from scratch. During which, and held interactions with Army and airframe customer to determine the product transportation system.
Skill Level: Highly Proficient

ABAQUS - Finite Element Analysis (FEA)
I became highly proficient in Finite Element Analysis while I was performing research for Ford Automotive and Ohio State University. The fold of my research was to quantify a friction parameter for Ford which would better allow their NASCAR teams to navigate the track.
During my research I performed 2D and 3D analysis simulations on different road surfaces to develop a correlation between the contact area between the tire and road and the yield strain energy. My results proved to be invaluable as we were able to identify 25% contact area percentage. While we were previously looking at contact area between 5-90%, my findings reduced the window to 23-27% thus creating more accurate and result producing data.
Skill Level: Highly Proficient

SolidWorks - Design
Through Ohio State University and OSU ChemE Car Club I have had increasing exposure to modeling and design software throughout the last 5 years. While being taught to use SolidWorks in the OSU classroom, I become so efficient that I was asked to be the Teaching Assistant (TA) for that very class I was in. I learned not only how to make the part and manipulate fast design strategies, but I also learned how a designer should think when it comes to considering manufacturing, design restrictions, and innovative solutions.
While with OSU ChemE Car Club on the chassis design team, I was responsible for developing a casing over the gearbox. Aspects which i considered included, weight, safety of gearbox, safety of engineers, maintenance, aerodynamics.
Solidworks Skill: Proficient
NX Skill: Minimal
Experience is about to expand as my current research role will use NX to transfer designs from modeling into analysis.

Fluent - Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
This is a skill which I am currently learning for my recently acquired position as Aerothermodynamics Research Assistant at Ohio State. Were are using experiements and CFD to investigate film cooling, flow control, and turbine deposition. The goal is to use this analysis to improve designs in real-life aerospace applications.
CFD Skill: Beginner/Intermediate

MatLab - Computer Programming Language
Python - Computer Programming Language
Through Ohio State academic calendar, there are 6+ courses which are heavily dependent on MatLab and you cannot succeed without MatLab experience and understanding. Due to these courses and using MatLab for automation purposes at Rolls-Royce, I have become skilled in this computer language.
As for Python programming, this is something which I learned on my own. Mechanical Engineering at Ohio State places an emphasis on manufacturing. While that is good and I now have great strength in manufacturing, I found myself with the weakness in programming (outside of MatLab). I took it upon myself during COVID-19 to spend my excess time inside improving this weakness into a strength; thus making me a double threat of manufacturing an programming. Refer to the certification section to view my received a Python Certificate where I spent 50+ hours programming. I have also had experience using Visual Basic Application (VBA) Macros to automate excel files.
MatLab Skill: Proficient
Python Skill: Intermediate, Certification Received
Macros Skill: Beginner

Revit and AutoCAD - Building Information Modeling (BIM)
I became highly proficient in Revit and AutoCAD BIM as I was the lead mechanical designer for a project with a $500,000 budget. During this project I lead the design of the mechanical systems of corporate buildings while also interacting with electric engineers, the customers, and outside contractors.
Revit and AutoCAD: Proficient

Microsoft Office: Highly Proficient on all platforms. Experience with Macros.