While I have a variety of technical skills and qualifications throughout my resume and portfolio; where my true passion resides is with people. I am extremely passionate about empowering others, and being intentional. As you can see from the images below, I am commonly engaged and laughing in a group of people. I have learned to appreciate that everyone has a unique set of strengths and attributes in friend groups as well as in the office - and that is what makes each team exciting yet powerful.
Additionally, in the images below I can be found in the mist of an extravagant activity (e.g. sky diving). If I was given a "perfect weekend", I would either go hiking in the western US with my closest friends, or go catch a sunrise surf session in Florida. Wherever I go, you can find me working hard, yet working smart, and enjoying every moment!
With my free time you can find me surrounded by people on Ohio State Campus having bon-fires, playing volleyball, reading, and laughing. I spend 8+ hours a week with two student organizations called CRU, and Bridges International. CRU is a 400+ person Christian organization which I help lead and organize; while at Bridges, we welcome and become dear friends with international students who rarely have conversations with Americans (even if they spend 4+ years at OSU). Through this organization, we learn, laugh, and grow together as friends while we also spend time reading the bible together. I have been a highly active leader of this campus organization for the past 2 years.
*CLICK* on each photo for details

Meet the Family!


Sky Diving

Hiking - Slovenia, Europe

Surfing - Cocoa Beach, FL

Indy Monumental Marathon Fall 2019. First (and last haha) marathon ever ran. Final mile time: 8:25/mile

Meet my friend Cameron. Once a year I attend Night To Shine (Prom for Special Needs kids), where I dance the night away and have a blast with my friend Cameron. The night is full of smiles and laughter.
Halloween 2020 - White Goodman, Dodgeball

Rolls-Royce Co-ops Fall 2019