Below are a few lessons which I have collected through my various books I have read, mentors, and multiple professional internships which I have held. These words are some of the most influential I have heard in the mist of being a young professional. I hope these words are as impactful for you as they have been for me.
Management Lessons:
Prioritize projects on this criteria: 
1) When is the deadline? 2) Project Importance. 3) Are team members dependent on me? 

"The 8 Wastes": 
Transportation, Inventory. Motion, Waiting, Overproduction, Over Processing, Defects, People (Underutilized skill/ideas)

Get the ball out of your court when possible. Do what you have to do so as soon as the ball gets placed under your responsibility, you have the resources and capacity to hit it back ASAP.

Make SMART goals. Specific. Measurable. Attainable. Relevant. Timely.
Make goals which are Technical, Improvement, Interpersonal.

Cost Savings - Save money in XXX ways
Cost Avoidance - total cost goes up, but you determine a way to reduce what it would cost
Cash Savings - Money saved is cash in pocket

Work Scope: 
What is in and out of project scope? Prevent work scope creep.

80/20 Rule:
Know when it is appropriate to accomplish 80% of the project in 20% of the time.

Always envision the downstream consequences

Professional Growth Tips:
What. How. Why:
Know the "WHY", not just the "WHAT". By knowing "Why", that will not only change "How" you do it, but it will then change "What" you do.
Regression Analysis:
Solving a problem without knowing a solution. You look at all the possibilities it could be, then you work it backwards... 
You may not be the next Nikola Tesla, but if you master this and your ability to communicate, you are going to do greater things than you could have ever imagined.

Hire vs Fire:
"[To all people] You will never get fired because you are not good at your job. You will get fired because you cannot COMMUNICATE, or people just do not like you" -MB
There will always be people who you need to look up to and learn from, but these people will not always have time for you. BUT they do have time for some people. If you DO want to learn from them, it is your job to learn who they have time for, and become one of those people.

People may not remember what you did, or how successful you were, but they will remember how you made them feel.
You will be assigned multiple projects by members of your team, but take the time to specifically ask, "How can I HELP you?!", "I am booked up on work, but how can I make your task a little more manageable this week?"
How do you feel when someone asks you for advice? Valued, Respected, good? Well, if you ask quality questions to others, they feel the same! Always as questions.
It is those around you who have the greatest impact on you. Sometimes it is those who instill negative impact and habits.

Pursue Wisdom:
Ask yourself, "Have I become complacent at work?"
Advice-seekers are perceived as SMARTER, whether they take the advice or not. "Socrates, a dead guy who may not existed, only asked questions and is well known and respected" (Management Science Journal (It is counter intuitive)

Quotes (additonal):
"I believe luck is preparation meeting opportunity. If you hadn't been prepared when the opportunity came along, you wouldn't have been 'lucky.'" - Oprah
Personal Notes:
If something does workout the way you wanted it to; whether a job offer, a business decision, a personal event. Getting "Declined" from the opportunity does not mean NO, it just means not today.

Every decision you make today has the possibility to develop habits (good or bad) in the future. This is huge in terms of motivation adn intentionality with time and people. DOWNSTREAM consequences. If you hit snooze on your alarm, you are more likely to hit snooze tomorrow. On the contrary, if you care for others once, the more likely you will be to help others down the road.